Wednesday, February 10, 2016

eHarmony Spanish version / ready / 3 months free

Please see:

The 3rd interview to Affinitas GmbH. new CEO! Big war between eHarmony Inc. and Affinitas GmbH. soon!

Proof of FRAUD from eHarmony

The 4 biggest eHarmony's copycats

eHarmony 2016 International plans revealed by its COO

eHarmony, is a 15+ years old obsolete site and a HOAX, based on a big scientific fraud, only sustained by big marketing budget.  

The Big Five normative test that had been proven/revealed as an incomplete and incorrect model to assess/measure personality of persons.
The Big Five normative test had been replaced by HEXACO or Big Six test.

 Also normative tests can not simply be translated, because they need the norm for that test, and that norm is actualized each and every time Census Figures are released and the cost of doing that is in the range of USD100,000 per language and norm.

All normative tests like Big Five, HEXACO, 16PF5 or similar like 15FQ+ to assess/measure personality should be used with the correct norm. e.g:
* English for the United Kingdom and the Norm for the United Kingdom (sample of individuals with the same demographic characteristics of the United Kingdom).
* English for Ireland and the Norm for Ireland (sample of individuals with the same demographic characteristics of Ireland).
* English for Australia and the Norm for Australia (sample of individuals with the same demographic characteristics of Australia).
* English for New Zealand and the Norm for New Zealand (sample of individuals with the same demographic characteristics of New Zealand)
* English for Canada and the Norm for Canada (sample of individuals with the same demographic characteristics of Canada).
* English for South Africa and the Norm for South Africa (sample of individuals with the same demographic characteristics of South Africa).
* English for United States and the Norm for United States (sample of individuals with the same demographic characteristics of United States)


No actual online dating site  is "scientifically proven" because no one can prove its matching algorithm can match prospective partners who will have more stable and satisfying relationships -and very low divorce rates- than couples matched by chance, astrological destiny, personal preferences, searching on one's own, or other technique as the control group in a peer reviewed Scientific Paper for the majority (over 90%) of its members.
Astonished to see how eHarmony is conducting a big human experiment with unprecedented consequences.
No one at eHarmony Inc. can tell Dr. Warren that eHarmony, is a 15+ years old obsolete site and a HOAX, based on a big scientific fraud?
Remember eHarmony closed its site in Brazil.

eHarmony failed in Japan.

Please see also:
article "Critics challenge the 'science’ behind online dating"

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