Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Big Data & Analytics Heroes: from eHarmony ?


Big data dating IS NOT the key to long-lasting romance 
The key to long-lasting romance is STRICT PERSONALITY SIMILARITY.

Unfortunately eHarmony, is nearly a 14 years old obsolete site and a HOAX, based on a big scientific fraud.
The Big Five normative test that had been proven/revealed as an incomplete and incorrect model to assess/measure personality of persons.
The Big Five normative test had been replaced by HEXACO or Big Six test.

No actual online dating site  is "scientifically proven" because no one can prove its matching algorithm can match prospective partners who will have more stable and satisfying relationships -and very low divorce rates- than couples matched by chance, astrological destiny, personal preferences, searching on one's own, or other technique as the control group in a peer reviewed Scientific Paper for the majority (over 90%) of its members.

Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five model or the HEXACO model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the 16PF5 test instead and another method to calculate similarity between prospective mates. Also to take into account women under hormonal treatment because several studies showed contraceptive pills users make different mate choices, on average, compared to non-users.

WorldWide, there are over 5,000 (five thousand) online dating sites
but no one is using the 16PF5 (or similar) to assess personality of its members!
but no one calculates similarity with a quantized pattern comparison method!
but no one can show Compatibility Distribution Curves to each and every of its members!
but no one is scientifically proven!

100X better than eHarmony, not 100% better, 100 times better!

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